Bates Hatters of London
Whether you’re after a glossy vintage silk top hat or a softly tailored cap, Bates is here to serve.Buying a hat isn’t an everyday experience, and Bates isn’t an everyday shop. Opposite the elegant Piccadilly Arcade on London's Jermyn Street, Bates is the perfect blend of style and tradition. The hats are displayed amid warm wood shelves and glass-fronted cases – and there are hats everywhere.Top hats, flat caps, deerstalkers, fedoras, trilbies, panamas, boaters and angling hats, in all sorts of grades, finishes and fabrics, are here for the trying. Here a person can see themselves in a whole new light. As the staff know all too well: a hat can make the individual
Project Overview
Tasked with setting up a new website, and business support centred around this, meant bringing this classic brand into the 20th century.
Full Email Marketing Management
Paid Social Management & Reporting
Continued Business Support
New Website Development
Client Feedback
I am so happy with our new website, Keep up the excellent work!
— Jon Davies

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So if you're an established brand looking to work with an experienced agency to take the next step or if you're a new branding looking to dip your toe into your first ecommerce store, we can help.